Have you noticed how your cat likes to sit on your chair, your armchair, your bed... He settles everywhere but is never really in his place. And yet, he needs it.

What is a Cat Climbing Tree 

The cat tree is the cat's home. His smell is everywhere, he is the only one to put his paws there and that's why he feels good.

On a chair, on a wall or in a tree, cats love to perch. The cat tree is a high space that will allow him to have fun but also feel safe. It will gain in serenity and will be calmer.

The Cat Climbing Tree is also a play area

Cats love to play, it is undeniable! That's why he'll love his Cat Tree where he can have crazy chases!

Some models even have mice that will amuse him for sure...

The Cat Climbing Tree is a space where everything is allowed, even the claws 

Cats are adorable, affectionate and cuddly. So much so that we often forget their wild and untamable instinct. It is even much more difficult to train a Cat than a Lion!

That's why your cat will sometimes engage in instinctive practices like climbing the wall or clawing. This is "normal"!

In his Cat Tree, anything goes. Your cat can scratch, rub, play, run and jump to his heart's content. You'll probably have just as much fun watching him do it!

Our Cat Climbing Tree are suitable for all styles and sizes 

Modern or Classic, you will find Cat Trees of all styles to make this essential accessory a beautiful object of decoration or well-being. Because nothing is more soothing than a cat sleeping soundly...

For your house or apartment, you will also find Cat Trees of all sizes that will ideally fit your interior.

But whether it is modern, design, small, large, giant, or even xxl for your Maine Coon, your cat will find its space of play, rest, happiness and serenity.

Tips to improve your Cat Climbing Tree

A good cat tree should provide: a place to relax, places to scratch, a stable and secure base, a place to rest out of sight, and finally toys for entertainment.